Answers to Your Common Questions
What Rules and Regulations do we follow?
We adhere to all the rules and regulations mandated by local, state, and federal governing authorities. We are regularly inspected by the State of North Carolina, Carlotte-Mecklenburg Sanitation Department and the Special Nutrition Programs Unit in the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services.
What is our Enrollment Criteria?
Children enrolling at Kidz Are Fun must be between one (1) and twelve (12) years of age. Enrolling children must have an Immunization certificate and a Health Examination received at least 90 days prior to enrolling. A completed Kidz Are Fun "Health Examination Form" from your doctor will be accepted.
What are our hours of operation?
6:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday
Where is our facility located?
4300 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208. Reach us from anywhere in Charlotte off of I-85, Exit 34, less than 3 miles South of where I-85 & I-77 cross.
What are the eligibility requirements for participation in the Free Pre-Kindergarten program?
To apply for Free Pre-K, your child must be four years old on or before August 31 of that school year and be a resident of Mecklenburg County.
How do I drive to Kidz Are Fun?
We are locatied on Freedom Drive off of Interstate-85, Exit 34(Freedom Drive); Follow Freedom Drive toward Mount Holly for eight-tenths of a mile; Turn right onto Weststone Drive where you will find parking for our Offices, Pre-School and After School facilities. Directions are available on GPS or Google Maps.
Are meals and snacks included in the Tuition?
Yes, there is no additional charge for meals and snacks. Kidz Are Fun participating in the federally funded "Child and Adult Care Food Program" (CACFP) to ensure that all our children receive nutritious meals.
Didn’t See Your Question?
No worries, reach out to us today and we’ll get back with answers ASAP.

Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 6:30am-5pm
Sat & Sun: Closed
Kidz Are Fun Child Development Center
4300 Freedom Drive
Charlotte, NC 28208